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04/23/2004: "taste of spring"

I found this takenoko, or bamboo shoot in Chinatown this morning. For it is the taste of spring, and I hardly come across fresh one, I had to get one. I haven't decided what to do with it, but it will be a special for tonight. Very special.

For some reason I often feel like listening to the Cure on Fridays. So I do. Then I just noticed that our next door neighbor was listening to the Cure also. Interesting. Did I inpire them, or it's just a Friday thing?

Didn't you just love this news about "Couple Takes Protest Up Tree in Central Park"? I did. I love the last quote from a woman from Geneva. Well, things like this doesn't happen here very often, either. But perhaps only in New York it does once in a while.

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