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04/15/2004: "sushi fever"

The phone started ringing at 9 am this morning. Then it kept ringing and ringing until about mid afternoon. It was total insanity, which was because of an event listing at about my sushi class this saturday. This was interesting because the reaction from New York Times listing last week about the class wasn't anywhere close to this phenomenon, although I also received good number of phone calls. Web is powerful. I shouldn't underestimate the number of people who may be reading this.. I'll be on my best behavior.

My fan in Chicago Jim accidentally cc'd his email to his friends saying that everyone should go to eat at SOY to my mailing list. Therefore all the mailing list subscriber receive a fw: version of my soy news. That was so sweet of him to promote my restaurant. I just wanted to say that it wasn't a promotional stunt, although it almost looks like one.

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