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04/07/2004: "keeping my head together"

Guida wants to take me once her 'cult' and chant with her. If the 'chanting with a cult' helps her, that's great. But I got my thing to keep my head together. Running. This has been my religion, addiction, meditation. This morning I literally 'ran into' the older gentleman I call 'peace man.' He is a fellow runner, perhaps in his 60s, excellent shape, who's out there all the time. He gives a big peace sign to everyone he passes by. Some people respond, some people ignore him. I always gave him a big smile and a peace sign back, so we became buddies. I haven't been running into him for a while, at least 3-4 months. When he spotted me in a distance he was so happy he started dancing sideways. I did a little dancing in return, then we gave each other a big high five as we passed each other. I thought this was kind a cute story to share.

Yesterday and today, Miwako was the girl who was sent as a relief by Akiyo. The little Japanese girl made some deliveries for me. I'm expecting a new help tomorrow. Let's see how it goes this time. My cooking classes are going to be listed in the calendar in the dining section. The phone will be ringing.

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