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04/22/2004: "new dish"

I let my bath tub overflow last night. Then in the tub I burned my toe under hot running water. Therefore I didn't sleep very well besides thinking too much. I cancelled this morning's speed workout and allow myself to sleep in another hour. Today's experiment: catfish. I never cooked this fish before, perhaps because I'm a cat lover. Perhaps the look of this fish is rather scary. But when it's already in fillet it's like any other fish. I've been too much salmon and cod fish so something for a change. It was such tasty sweet fish even without any seasoning. It became my new favorite dish when crisply fried with spices sprinkled.

"Charming old man" (Guida and I call him) Carl the contractor is working late on the doorstep for Siren Hair Salon. He called me 'princess' last night. I think he was a little drunk. Charming butcher at Essex market calls me 'young lady.' Mary at the discount store always confuses me with some Chinese girl with a baby. She always asks me how my daughter is. A powerful air conditioner is coming next week. I also ordered electric fly trap. Hopefully I don't have to dance around with my little yellow fly swatter. Bothered by a pain in my neck, I miss 'funny little Jew' Dr. Mittleman, the chiropractor. I don't have the health insurance to milk anymore.

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