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04/17/2004: "missing"
It was such a beautiful spring day; I decided to buy myself some flowers. When I got to the store this morning with red daisies, I realized that my big crystal vase was missing. I realized that my last helper Carlos must have taken it. What a shame that I didn't realize he was such a crook. Then I also noticed that 'Turkish evil eye' lucky charm my friend Betim brought me from Turkey last summer. Carlos must have taken it. I remember asking him to clean the coffee maker, which the eveil eye was sitting on. After he was gone, the change purse for deliveries with 20 dollars in it was also missing. It's a shame that some one could be so disrespectful of others and their property, and be so good at deceiving people. This never happened with so many other help I had. And I remembered that Carlos always came with a large bag. Many of these workers don't carry anything. Like Benito, the guy I have now, don't carry anything. At least I know that he won't take anything bigger than he can put in his pocket.