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SOY and nutritionThe Powerful Benefits of Soy
The Powerful Benefits of SoySoybeans contain high amounts of protein, including all essential amino acids (the only such vegetable source). Soybeans are also a rich source of calcium, iron. Zinc phosphorus, magnesium, B vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids and fiber. But what have most interested scientists in recent years are the discovery on non-nutritive Phytochemicals in soy and their profound effect on human health. Several important isoflavones are found in soy, including genistein and daidzein. These substances have been shown to provide a variety of important health benefits. The compounds in soy provide the following:
The soybean may be small in size but science is confirming that it packs a huge punch when it comes to protecting and enhancing your health. You can benefit in many ways by incorporating more soy and soy products into your diet. BurdockA good source of such minerals as manganese and phosphorous, this carrot-like root vegetable is brown-skinned with white flesh that darkens quickly when cut. Many people who eat burdock compare it to celery and artichoke, and consider the taste to be earthy and mildly sweet. Uncooked wild American burdock tastes very bitter, though cooking removes the bitterness. Burdock has traditionally been used for a wide variety of conditions, including chronic skin ailments, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, and cancer prevention. Animal studies indicate that burdock possesses strong hypoglycemic (sugar-lowering) properties, which give burdock theoretical clinical potential for blood sugar control. Burdock has also been used as a diuretic, a mild laxative, and a digestive aid. The carbohydrate inulin is the major constituent found in burdock and can comprise up to 50% of the plant's total mass. Inulin is made up of many fructose chains, which researchers believe are responsible for burdock's hypoglycemic activities. Inulin may act as a buffer, preventing blood glucose levels from fluctuating erratically. In addition, studies suggest that inulin has mild anti-inflammatory properties and stimulates the immune system, activating particular immune cells that may help alleviate skin conditions such as eczema. Interestingly, inulin promotes the growth of friendly bacteria in the intestines, though this property has not yet been explored in burdock. SpinachAlthough it will not produce the magical effects that Popeye enjoyed,
spinach is most definitely good for you. It is exceptionally rich in carotenoids,
including beta-carotene and lutein, and also contains quercetin,
a phytochemical with antioxidant properties. Spinach is rich in vitamins
and minerals, particularly folate (folic acid),
vitamin K, magnesium,
and manganese; it also contains more
protein than most vegetables. (Although the protein is incomplete-spinach
and other leafy green vegetables are low in the amino acid methionine-it
is complemented by the protein in rice and other grains.) BroccoliBroccoli is one of the most healthful foods you can eat-a real nutritional powerhouse. Along with a rich supply of vitamins and minerals-notably vitamin C, folate (folic acid), and potassium-it contains the phytochemical sulforaphane, which helps reduce the risk of cancer. In addition, broccoli contains a good amount of beta-carotene. And, unless you drown it in cheese sauce, broccoli is (like all green vegetables) low in calories and virtually fat-free. Seaweeds-(Hijiki, wakame, Nori, and Kombu from our kitchen) Sea vegetables, made up of seaweeds assimilate minerals from the sea and are the single most nutritious foods that you can eat. Rich in trace elements and vitamins, they contain more protein than meat and more calcium than milk. The medicinal properties of seaweed include having an alkalising effect on the blood - ridding the blood of radioactive and metallic elements. Seaweeds are used to promote wound healing. They have been used as beauty aids as they give hair and skin a beautiful appearance and prevent ageing. They are extremely low in calories. All the plants contain a high degree of iodine, which is good for healthy thyroid function. Seaweed is a vegetable rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Ounce for ounce it's higher in minerals than any other class of food. In addition, it contains a variety of protective compounds that may help ward off some serious health threats, including cancer. Alfred A. Bushway, Ph.D., professor of food science at the University of Maine in Orona, believes sea vegetables may be partially responsible for lower rates of cancer in countries such as Japan. He states, "We need more clinical studies, but so far there have been some interesting population and animal studies showing that sea vegetables can prevent tumors." Scientists are unsure which compounds in sea vegetables hold these preventive properties, but it's believed to be the high beta-carotene (an antioxidant that helps fight off free radicals which attack healthy cells) content. Sea vegetables contain folate, a nutrient that helps break down protein in the body and aids in the regeneration of red blood cells. Magnesium is a mineral found in sea vegetables that keeps high blood pressure in check. Seaweed is also a superior source of vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, iron, niacin, protein and fiber. One ounce of raw nori (a type of sea vegetable) contains 11 mg of infection-fighting vitamin C. That's more than 18 percent of the daily value! Scientists believe vitamin-packed seaweed is a great immune booster that helps fight off a host of diseases. One of the greater values of seaweed is its toxin-reducing powers. Whether we live in the city or some remote, isolated part of the world, we are still affected by pollution from radiation or heavy metals. The compound sodium alginate, which is found in kombu, wakame, hijiki, arame, alaria and other kinds of sea vegetables, has been shown to protect against radioactive and heavy metal contaminants. It does this by binding with heavy metals in the gastrointestinal tract and forming an insoluble, gel-like salt that is excreted in the feces. Scientists at McGill University in Montreal found that "the sodium alginate in seaweed reduced the absorption of radioactive strontium by up to 84 percent." Is that why some of the oldest living mammals and fish live in the sea? Green TeaLegend has it that in ancient times, a Chinese emperor was drinking some hot water when leaves from a nearby tea shrub (Camellia sinensis) dropped into his cup. He apparently liked the soothing drink that resulted from the accident. So began an eventual worldwide love affair with tea. Interestingly, research studies in recent years have confirmed the healing properties long ascribed to the ubiquitous tea leaf. To make green tea, the plant's leaves are steamed, rolled, and dried. The resulting teas contains potent antioxidant chemicals called polyphenols that help guard against many kinds of cell damage. Other notable healing powers result from the presence of substances such as fluoride, catechins, and tannins. Ongoing research indicates that thanks to these compounds, sipping green tea regularly may help to prevent various types of cancer, guard against heart disease, promote longevity, stave off tooth decay, ease stomach upset, and provide a number of other benefits. Kudzu Root
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