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04/11/2004: "Weekend"

Finally the hectic week is over. It was quiet Saturday night. This afternoon this old Jewish lady I'm acquainted walked by. For years this little lady with missing tooth passes by pushing her little shopping cart, stops in front of the store, and knocks on the door so I'd come out and have a little chat with her. Sometimes she brings me a jar of Gefelta fish. I didn't see her around for a few months, so it was nice to see her. She looked good, neatly dressed and with pink lipstick. Last night as I was closing up, my neighbor Betim was walking home and told me that she just came across an old, old man trying to get a copy of Village Voice. She helped him get it from the box, and then he started telling her some jokes. He was a stand-up comedian in his young days. But this man so old that his voice was little weak and scratchy, and he was also only 5 feet tall. She had to bend over and listen to his jokes one after another. She was cracking up telling me the story. "I wish I could write down these things!" I like listening to old people. Customers at the end of the night were middle-aged daughters having a night out with their 'ma.' Ma must be over 80 years old. Little ma was trying to stick her chopstick into tofu pudding. She had really cute smile when she left.

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