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10/25/2005: "blue monday and how I ended up with a purple bike"
Last long run in the Central Park, smelling the stink of ginkgo nuts. It was a beautifully comfortable gray sunday afternoon.
I went out on my daily routine this morning on the beaten-up pink bike 'pinky.' My usual first stop is the Chinese supermarket on Clinton. I went inside, shopped some veggies and fish, and came out probably in less than 10 minutes. Pinky was gone. Instead there was a spray-painted blue van for the film shoot by the pole I always leave Pinky chained to. So I walked over to the film people and tried to blame them for disappearance of Pinky. But of couse they did not admit it. I was so shocked that it still happened and it happened to me again when least expected. In front of all those people shooting a film down the street? No one noticed a bicycle thief? I thought I was going to treat myself with a trip to Home Depot this morning but instead I spent half an hour at Frank's bike shop on Grand street getting the purple bike with a new butcher's basket. At least I was glad that I didn't fix Pinky before it was stolen. I was almost bringing her to the bike shop because all the gear cables have been broken off. The new purple bike rides so smoothly and we're loving it. That's the happy ending of the story.
I realized that the cute book my mother sent me was supposed to be the album of my cat. I'm supposed to work on a scrap book making collage of the pictures of my kitty. So I searched for the pictures of my cat, and realized that I didn't have too many. I felt like a bad mother. I started taking more pictures of Coco yesterday.
The heat was turned on this morning in my building. The radiator in my apartment started sizzling. It felt safe.