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10/04/2005: "Enjoying the weather"

Friday after work, I took Yuri and Rikako on a field trip to Minka, at where Yuri's boyfriend Taiga now works. We wanted to bug him but he was too busy making noodles. Nevertheless we entertained ourselves feasting on their great ramen with extra slices of juicey pork they put specially for us.

All week we were playing the game of 'who's the secret admirer' since I anonymously received flower arrangement for my birthday. Then I found out that it was my ex-husband. We were very dissapointed but had a good laugh, also because I got roses from my ex-boyfriend. I appreciate the gesture though. Flowers are always nice.

Another race, another half-marathon in the Central Park on a beautiful sunday morning. I was feeling strong and with a bit of runner's high I charged the last two miles. It was a good way to start my day off.

Replies: 2 Comments

on Wednesday, October 5th, AzianBrewer said

I think I saw you in CP on Sunday morning sporting your usual runner's club uniform. It was a great day for running. I be there this Sat for the 20 miles.

on Thursday, October 6th, etsko said

I'll be doing 20-mile run also. See you there!

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