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10/11/2005: "SOY radio: 88.3FM"

I aquired a new gadget this weekend for a solution to deal with my ever growing music CD library. It's a little FM transmitter to send audio to a radio. Now I can play music from my laptop and play 'SOY FM: 88.3.' I don't think this signal is very strong, but if you live next door to SOY you may catch our fabulous music on your radio. Or you can park your car across the street and enjoy our music. Margit, who came to pick up her favorite Miso Tofu, said, "Cool. I'm going to see if I can get that! I'm only three doors down. Well, I haven't gotten a report from her but she may get a faint signal.

Another rainy dreary day. It was Columbus day but many of my regular lunch customers were working. Those nice people from Psyop raided SOY again. It was my mother's birthday, but I totally forgot to call her. Happy Birthday, Mom!

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