soy diary
This is the beginning of the Marathon week
Refreshed after the extra hour of sleep, I biked uptown to run Marathon kickoff 5-mile race in the Central Park. Trees were just beginning to change their color. I had another good race, with a strong finish. We finished now empty bleacher seats built for the next week's big race. My afternoon weekend project one: lamp repair in my apartment. I ended up blowing the fuse three times, adding many trips to the basement and a hardware store. I concluded that something was wrong with the light socket I just bought, and decided to give it up for now. Then second project: changing the door knob for the bathroom in the restaurant. It wasn't extremely smooth but I completed my first door knob project. The old door knob had cracked plastic parts inside; no wonder it didn't lock! Now your privacy in the bathroom is assured.
on october 30, 2005 @ 09:59 pm [ link]
blue monday and how I ended up with a purple bike
Last long run in the Central Park, smelling the stink of ginkgo nuts. It was a beautifully comfortable gray sunday afternoon. I went out on my daily routine this morning on the beaten-up pink bike 'pinky.' My usual first stop is the Chinese supermarket on Clinton. I went inside, shopped some veggies and fish, and came out probably in less than 10 minutes. Pinky was gone. Instead there was a spray-painted blue van for the film shoot by the pole I always leave Pinky chained to. So I walked over to the film people and tried to blame them for disappearance of Pinky. But of couse they did not admit it. I was so shocked that it still happened and it happened to me again when least expected. In front of all those people shooting a film down the street? No one noticed a bicycle thief? I thought I was going to treat myself with a trip to Home Depot this morning but instead I spent half an hour at Frank's bike shop on Grand street getting the purple bike with a new butcher's basket. At least I was glad that I didn't fix Pinky before it was stolen. I was almost bringing her to the bike shop because all the gear cables have been broken off. The new purple bike rides so smoothly and we're loving it. That's the happy ending of the story. I realized that the cute book my mother sent me was supposed to be the album of my cat. I'm supposed to work on a scrap book making collage of the pictures of my kitty. So I searched for the pictures of my cat, and realized that I didn't have too many. I felt like a bad mother. I started taking more pictures of Coco yesterday. The heat was turned on this morning in my building. The radiator in my apartment started sizzling. It felt safe.
on october 25, 2005 @ 01:14 am [ link]
 Tuesday was Kathy's birthday. I had a busy afternoon but managed to bake the famous green tea cheesecake. Kathy is a member of SOY family we all loved to sing her happy birthday. Yesterday our block was invaded by big movie trucks. According to Adam upstairs they are filming a musical about the Beatles on Rivington Street. All those new psychedelic murals along Rivington were for the film shoot. Last night this customer who lives around the corner said, "Yea, I got a mushroom on my building." I received a care package from my parents in Japan. Contents of the package were: rice crackers, sweet candied beans, seasoning packets, rice seasoning, chestnut rice mix, pretty dried gluten balls, 15 pairs of socks, 5 panties, a shirt with a big kitty print, another shirt with strange rose and paisley print, handmade jewerly, a sample packet of moisturizer, 10 toothbrush, and a picture book about cats written in Japanese and French. How thoughtful of them! I remember my mother telling me about the book she wanted to send me. And I know my father believes these are the best toothbrushes for gum problems. Then I pictured them searching through the house with any other random item they collected to fill the package. This morning I thought I need more socks, and here they are, just in time!
on october 21, 2005 @ 01:09 am [ link]
Beaufil sunday morning, I was heading to my first out of town race in Croton. I went to pick up a Zip car and as soon as I pulled out of the garage, there was loud scratching noise from underneath the car. I pulled over, and found a part of the panel under the hood hanging. I called them up and the guy on the line said, "Can you tie it up? I give you some driving credit!" So that was what I did. As much as I like the concept and system of Zip car, their vehicle are not so well maintained. There were also dog hair all over the seats. So what? I was heading to my race in the hope of getting my first win in America. It was a very nice and challenging 10K race in Croton-on-Hudson, through scenic hills and over the dam. The bridge over the dam was the most spectacular little stretch I've ever run! Too bad we had such warm weather the trees weren't showing any color yet. Very strong looking mascular woman passed me early in the race. Who I thought was a long-haired boy ahead of me turned out to be a girl. So I came in as the third female. I brought home a shiny cup which was good enough. Serious hill running really tired me out, and I enjoyed a quiet evening at home eating ice cream and watching South Park.
on october 18, 2005 @ 12:00 am [ link]
Finally rain stopped after 8 days of Niku jaga weather. I just received the registration card for NYC marathon which is coming up in three weeks. My number is F123, and that's the best number I've ever gotten for this race. I'm still feeling very undertrained this year, but I have a feeling that it will be all right.
on october 15, 2005 @ 12:56 am [ link]
Niku Jaga weather
Another busy day.. we do good business in this gloomy dump weather with our comfort food. It's definitely Niku Jaga weather. We also sell lots of curries and miso soups. With the departure of Koichi and arrivals of my new girls Marie and Yukiko, we have all girls crew again. I wonder if there's any other restaurant ran by all women in NYC. I'm sure there's no other with all Japanese girl staff.
on october 13, 2005 @ 12:44 am [ link]
SOY radio: 88.3FM
I aquired a new gadget this weekend for a solution to deal with my ever growing music CD library. It's a little FM transmitter to send audio to a radio. Now I can play music from my laptop and play 'SOY FM: 88.3.' I don't think this signal is very strong, but if you live next door to SOY you may catch our fabulous music on your radio. Or you can park your car across the street and enjoy our music. Margit, who came to pick up her favorite Miso Tofu, said, "Cool. I'm going to see if I can get that! I'm only three doors down. Well, I haven't gotten a report from her but she may get a faint signal. Another rainy dreary day. It was Columbus day but many of my regular lunch customers were working. Those nice people from Psyop raided SOY again. It was my mother's birthday, but I totally forgot to call her. Happy Birthday, Mom!
on october 11, 2005 @ 12:22 am [ link]
running in the rain
I was planning to do 20-mile training run in the Central Park this morning. But when I got up at 5:30am it was raining a lot. I don't mind running in the rain, but 3-hour run in that rain didn't feel appetising. I was so unprepared; I needed to pack extra change of close and shoes, plus I won't be able to take my bike uptown. Should I take 20-dollar cab ride to 102nd street, or long ride on the subway? I quickly voted for sleeping in. For weeks I hadn't been catching up on my beauty sleep. So that was what I did. I slept until afternoon and then went out for a 'short' 10-mile run to the west side. It was still raining heavy at times plus gusting wind. With very few people out running or strolling it was a beautiful gray afternoon on Hudson.
on october 8, 2005 @ 08:15 pm [ link]
Enjoying the weather
Friday after work, I took Yuri and Rikako on a field trip to Minka, at where Yuri's boyfriend Taiga now works. We wanted to bug him but he was too busy making noodles. Nevertheless we entertained ourselves feasting on their great ramen with extra slices of juicey pork they put specially for us. All week we were playing the game of 'who's the secret admirer' since I anonymously received flower arrangement for my birthday. Then I found out that it was my ex-husband. We were very dissapointed but had a good laugh, also because I got roses from my ex-boyfriend. I appreciate the gesture though. Flowers are always nice. Another race, another half-marathon in the Central Park on a beautiful sunday morning. I was feeling strong and with a bit of runner's high I charged the last two miles. It was a good way to start my day off.
on october 4, 2005 @ 12:32 am [ link]