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10/21/2005: ""

Tuesday was Kathy's birthday. I had a busy afternoon but managed to bake the famous green tea cheesecake. Kathy is a member of SOY family we all loved to sing her happy birthday.

Yesterday our block was invaded by big movie trucks. According to Adam upstairs they are filming a musical about the Beatles on Rivington Street. All those new psychedelic murals along Rivington were for the film shoot. Last night this customer who lives around the corner said, "Yea, I got a mushroom on my building."

I received a care package from my parents in Japan. Contents of the package were: rice crackers, sweet candied beans, seasoning packets, rice seasoning, chestnut rice mix, pretty dried gluten balls, 15 pairs of socks, 5 panties, a shirt with a big kitty print, another shirt with strange rose and paisley print, handmade jewerly, a sample packet of moisturizer, 10 toothbrush, and a picture book about cats written in Japanese and French. How thoughtful of them! I remember my mother telling me about the book she wanted to send me. And I know my father believes these are the best toothbrushes for gum problems. Then I pictured them searching through the house with any other random item they collected to fill the package. This morning I thought I need more socks, and here they are, just in time!

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