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08/22/2004: "here's some more crazy friends"

It was a pretty rough race yesterday: 80 degrees in 90% humidity, but fortunately it was 'only' 5 miles for club championship, where most of the crazy local runners compete. Even our team coach Tony, who would be usually yelling at us on the course, had a different approach. He praised us that we looked perfect as we struggled in suffocating humidity. Why do we run? I don't know. We're just crazy.

And this beautiful sunday afternoon I'm watching the most exciting, thrilling, fist-clenching sport of the season- the women's marathon in Athens. I thougth it was bad enough yesterday, but they're running through those hills in 90 degrees. Totally insane. I ran the same course in Athens last November, so I know how insane it is. Just to see the endless uphill in front of you, makes you die continuously. And now the tiny Japanese woman Noguchi surged ahead of towering world record holder Paula Radcliff. Then at 36K Radcliff stopped her race and broke down. I remebered that psychologically I also gave up by that point in the race. Amazing come back by Deena Kaster in the last mile, winning bronze medal. What a race! What a drama! Makes me want to go out and abuse my body even harder.

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