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08/18/2004: "oh Tinkerbell"

Paris Hilton's dog Tinkerbell is missing. Award offered for safe return of the chihuahua is said to be $5,000 at this moment. I guess the kidnapper can wait to see the better offer.

My neighbor Elliot came by for his 'juicing rights.' He's loaning me his Champion juicer, and instead of getting some cash for it, he said he would loan it to me in exchange for 'juicing rights.' So I made some carrot celery ginger juice, which turned into 'Juicing 101 with Elliot.' 'I told you that you'd have to put a plastic bag there. Here- a perfect bag, and do you have a rubber band?' 'Shove it down, but the other end first.'

Betim and Mike just came back from their vacation to Turkey. Betim looked so pretty this morning- "Oh, the trip was sooo great. I didn't want to come back..." She told me once that she thought ''shove it up your ass" was "shovel it up your ass." And that's how she said it sometimes.

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