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08/03/2004: "give me back my three hours"
I spent three hours at Department of Health for my hearing for the past inspection. I was told to appear in front of a judge to hear the verdict: do I have a fine, and if so, how much? They gave me an option of pleading guilty by mail, or appear in person. I chose the latter because this is a new system and I wanted to find out what exactly happens, if it's a thing to avoid in the future. And I figured it's probably better for me to appear with my innocent look and say that I've corrected everything I've done wrong. Paper works, bureaucracy, waiting in this ugliest waiting area for three hours. I wondered what good this new system is doing to anyone. Then I was in front of this witch (I'm sorry Judge, you seemed to be nice but you did look like a witch) for three minutes and told her I corrected everything immediately. Then she said I'll hear the judgement in the mail in 2-3 weeks. How could this whole ordeal be so anticlimactic! I was pissed off all afternoon.