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08/16/2004: "some more ideas"
Nothing too exciting this weekend. Gray and wet. I ran along the Hudson River with an old veteran with an American flag and boom box straddled on the back of his bicycle playing this folk song loudly "Roll truck roll I wanna see my baby roll truck roll me on home.." He gave a thumb up to every woman he passed by. By the way I think they should also add 'hotdog eating' to the Olympics. I bet those little Japanese guys train hard all year round. Yo-yo could also be an Olympic item. Or baby jogger run! It's a race with moms & dads with baby joggers run around town and also have to get some errands done! Absolute coordination between the parent & the baby will be required for this sport. If either a parent or a child starts crying, wets their pants/diapers, etc., will result in points reduction.