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08/19/2004: "Not nice"

We've been spoiled with the mild weather; 84 degrees and 60% humidity feels extremely hot. Selling lots of ginger lemonade.

Last night Elliot took this $40 delivery order to Eldridge street which turned out to be non-existing address and wrong phone number. Seems like it was a fake order. There's evil people out there. Elliot came back and kept shaking his head, 'so wrong, so wrong.' He's been watching out for me all week, and this afternoon he poked head in and asked, 'I'm going to the market. Do you need anything?' He brought me back garlic which I forgot to buy this morning. He's been so wonderful I'll make sure to keep a croquette for his dog Winston when they stop by at closing.

The treadmill I was on this morning at the gym kept stopping for 'communication error.' The bagger at the supermarket dutifully double bagged each item for me. My neighbor Kathy came back from her vacation in Cape Cod. I hope we have a good night.

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