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May 2004

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05/26/2004: "Time for improvements"

It's only tuesday (technically wednesday) but feels like it's almost weekend. Probably because I'm thinking of the weekend- since it's Memorial day weekend I'm considering taking a long weekend off and doing my hobby: Home improvement! It's actually store improvement (which is surely part of my home anyway). If I can figure out how by then, I'm laying a tile floor. New floor is due for a while.

Stayfree Ultra Thin overnight with wings is huge. I mean super long. I've never seen such long pads - it covers your entire butt crack and beyond. Seriously. I always thought American maxi pads are gigantic, but this one is serious in coverage. At least it's ultra thin, so it's not so uncomfortable. I thought some of you may want to know. I stride to provide you some useful information, which I think is one of the attractions of this blog.

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