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05/06/2004: "more new neighbors"
My neighbor Margit sent me an email this morning:
"http://www.rothkonyc.com/Index.html - is that the new place that's opening up where adult world used to be?" Yes, exactly. A new club with an ugly green doorway sticking out on the sidewalk opened up in the box that formerly housed the famous 'adult world,' the lower east side's original strip joint. Then Margit adds: "you always know what's going on on Suffolk -- whether it's new japanese hair salons or naked neighbors, so I figured I'd ask!" I had a vision of myself as an old lady of 100 plus years old sitting in front of SOY, collecting gossip and all kinds of information. If a question arises, people would say, "let's go ask at the lady at SOY." I think that's cute. Margit is going to see Morrissey tomorrow, so I've been playinbg the Smiths today. The first customer for lunch said, "Did you know he's playing at the Apollo?" I said, "Yes, I was just informed." I got a booking for a "sushi making bachelorette party in June. What a fun idea!
Someone sent me a few Japanese literature from Jehovah's Witness in the mail. Sometimes, these religious literature contains amusing articles. The one titled "What's wrong with phone sex?" caught my eye. That sounds like some practical information. It says that phone sex is not safe because it makes you horny. It's dangerous because it's addictive. So as masturbation. Bad. Even engaged couples should not talk dirty- that's against God's will. They say they got practical answers in their book on how to stop masturbating. So whoever wants to stop it, please ask Watchtower people who can be spotted knocking on the doors on Sundays.