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05/16/2004: "What a weekend"
Truly eventful.
This is the third time I'm trying to write into my blog this weekend. The browser keep crashing on me.
So my weekend started on Friday at 6pm, when the Japanese electricians, Komuro san & Ikko san (the middle aged guys who call me oka-san or mother) showed up at SOY with a six-pack of Sapporo beer and a huge bottle of sake. They feasted, joked, kept pouring me sake, and danced to blue grass. They finished all the drink by closing.
Saturday morning was the belated start of my running race season with the Queens half-marathon. I figued it would be faster than the subway, and got on my bike to get to the start in College Point. It was only one hour ride. The empty streets of Brookly and Queens at 6 am was so nice and clean; it felt like I was riding through a suburbia. The waterfront at the park in College Point was covered with thick fog. It was dump and chilly until we started at 8 am. Then it was so hot all of a sudden! I was together until about mile 9 then tanked. A male runner fell unconscious in front of me near the end. It was a tough race, with the question returning to my head: "why am I doing this again?" But result wasn't bad. I placed 7th in the age group and brought home a little trophy. Tall brothers with amazing bodies told me after the race, "you were smokin, sista!" I wasn't smoking but steam was rising from my body as we stood around and chat. Ride home was dusty and hot, but I didn't mind. There was a big strawberry from "Fresh Direct" standing still at Nassau and Lorimer. He looked kind of sad. Why do those promotional dummies look so sad? I always wonder. Probably that fake permanent smile they have on.
In the evening, my laptop won't start. It just would not start. So this beautiful Sunday I spent all afternoon trying to recover the corrupt windows. After 5 hours of trying to find information, doing some partial repair effort, getting stuck in the middle, and talking to extremely unhelpfull unknowledgeable tech support lady who conversed in 5 seconds delays, I just had to find a computer repair guy. Hopefully he can fix this tomorrow. Meantime I'm battling with an old desktop who's been buggy. It's scary how you can be paralized without a computer. And of course I realize I should back up files regularly. Readers, please go and back up some important files, right now!