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05/03/2004: "try this"
1) Go to www.Google.com
2) Type in (but DON'T hit Enter):
"weapons of mass destruction".
3) Hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button, instead of the normal "Google
search button.
More drama this weekend: my kitchen help Benito announced he's not coming back as he left on Saturday. Don't ask me why. These people are unpredictable. At least he told me he's quitting, and of course after he got paid. He said he's been called back to an old job, but who knows. He probably didn't like making deliveries in the rain, which he openly complained.
So I went out with my crazy Chinese friend Ping, who was off duty since her daughter was sleeping over at her friend's. At Salt Bar the bartender made us dangerous pretty cocktails. We were pretty drunk when she asked me whether I can be the guardian to her daughter if she ever decides to go back to China. Her daughter hates China, she says. She's not gonna want to move to China, even with her mother. I said yes and we both cried. Then we went to back to my place and took some Japanese hangover remedy. She threw up in the middle of the night, soiling the bathroom and doorway. When she woke up I told her I found spinach she ate last night in my shoes and all over the floor. Instead of showing remorse she just cracked up.