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05/22/2004: "Get your Tofu Dogs here!"

This afternoon, SOY was unexpectedly participating in the scavenger hunt. Late afternoon, there was two people looking through the menu in the window, which wasn't usual. Then they walked in and asked me if I have Tofu Dogs. No. What suggest that I do? Then as Jonathan came, he asked me, "why are those people taking a picture in front of the store?" I didn't notice them that time, then a few minutes later, there were a few more people posing in front of the window and taking a polaroid, with a list in their hand. I had to go ask. As it turns out, they were participants of a scavenger hunt of the Lower East Side, and they were looking for the Tofu Dogs, which I don't have, but took the picture in front of SOY anyway. Then there were more and more small groups who would hover around the window to read the menu. When they can't find the 'Tofu Dogs' on the menu, they'd come in any way and ask if we do. I wonder what was the right answer. I never served Tofu Dogs here, and I don't know anyone who does in a few blocks radius, which was the area they were looking for. They were also looking for live chickens, which I proudly tried to direct them to the chicken breeder on Delancey and Attorney, but they said it was out of the area. I don't know who else got live chickens.. I overheard someone who purchased a chicken from the breeder for a pet while ago though. There used to be live chickens up the street with the people lived in the vacant lot between Rivington and Stanton. They were bulldozed over a few years ago. Where did those people and chickens go?

This was also another night of fun fun Sushi making class, where I introduced a secret new technique that I came up with that made the sushi roll making less messy. We had a very productive session, and finished all the rice that I thought was more than sufficiant for all of us.

Then between the class and the dinner time, I ran over to 107 Suffolk since they had the annual open studio. I went to visit some of the friends there and admired works of the local artists. There are supposedly some heavy politics going around in that building, but I didn't notice anything unusual. I already had a glass of sake one of the students brought in, then I was offered a glass of wine at one of the studio. I came in late to set up for the evening business, then it was the time for the scavenger hunt, which brings you back to the beginning of this entry.

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on Monday, May 24th, Benjamin said

Hi there.

You have a lot of fine content here, so reading your stuff really is fun.

But please turn off the blinking text on the main page. wink

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