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12/28/2005: "we had a merry festivus"
Last Friday was our first annual festivus party, where we danced around the festivus pole. The transit strike ended that morning just in time, and we got to gather around and air all our grievances. It was so nice to see my new and old friends mingle and have a good time. I don't have my immediate family in close range, but this is my extended family at SOY. This is what I like to have here everyday, not only for the holiday: feeding my extended family.
Althought my daily routine hardly changed during the strike, the business had a negative effect. But some new people also wondered in because we're close to the bridge. On the first day of the strike I had an appointment with my periodontist. When I got there, some doctors and assistants were waiting on the sidewalk because no one had the keys. "I guess my appointment won't be happening." "I say call in the afternoon," on of the doctors said. One hour later my doctor called me. "I heard you were here. I was here too! I was just getting a cup of coffee down the street." I went back, and found doctors and assistants bored without patients. The rest of afternoon was very quiet at SOY. I had plenty of time icing my achy jaw. Fortunately most of my girls live in the neighborhood, but Mariko couldn't make it to work from Brooklyn. I told her not to worry about trying to get to work, since the business was slow.
After Festivus, I had a nice quiet weekend. My mouth was still achy from the third installment of gum surgery, and there was enough drinks left from the party, so I celebrated Christmas staying in and cleaning my apartment. It was really about time. I through out lots of trash. Whatever the way you can make yourself feel good, that's a good holiday.