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12/05/2005: "HO for the holidays"

I found this recipe in a Cookbook Digest. I'm not kidding.

from Mini-Mart a la Carte
HO Cakes

5 packages assorted Hostess Cakes
(we recommend Twinkies, Ho Hos, Zingers, Ding Dongs, and Suzy Qs)
Can of whipped cream
10 whole almonds

With a large knife, slice the ends off the cakes and eat them.
Cut each cake into squares (you should get 2 squares out of each Twinkie-shaped cake and 1 out of each Ding-Dong shaped cake).
Top each with a dab of whipped cream and an almond.
Arrange on a tray and serve.
Serves 4.

I thought some of you may want to bring Ho cakes to your friends' holiday parties. Ho Ho Ho.

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