soy diary
we had a merry festivus
 Last Friday was our first annual festivus party, where we danced around the festivus pole. The transit strike ended that morning just in time, and we got to gather around and air all our grievances. It was so nice to see my new and old friends mingle and have a good time. I don't have my immediate family in close range, but this is my extended family at SOY. This is what I like to have here everyday, not only for the holiday: feeding my extended family. Althought my daily routine hardly changed during the strike, the business had a negative effect. But some new people also wondered in because we're close to the bridge. On the first day of the strike I had an appointment with my periodontist. When I got there, some doctors and assistants were waiting on the sidewalk because no one had the keys. "I guess my appointment won't be happening." "I say call in the afternoon," on of the doctors said. One hour later my doctor called me. "I heard you were here. I was here too! I was just getting a cup of coffee down the street." I went back, and found doctors and assistants bored without patients. The rest of afternoon was very quiet at SOY. I had plenty of time icing my achy jaw. Fortunately most of my girls live in the neighborhood, but Mariko couldn't make it to work from Brooklyn. I told her not to worry about trying to get to work, since the business was slow. After Festivus, I had a nice quiet weekend. My mouth was still achy from the third installment of gum surgery, and there was enough drinks left from the party, so I celebrated Christmas staying in and cleaning my apartment. It was really about time. I through out lots of trash. Whatever the way you can make yourself feel good, that's a good holiday.
on december 28, 2005 @ 01:35 am [ link]
Not long ago, the only full-time employee at SOY (me) told the company (me) that she wants the health benefits. She threatened the company that she'd go on strike. There'll be no spicy tuna. There'll be no Niku Jaga. The company said, that's terrible! We have to give our customers spicy tuna, niku jaga, treasure sacks, gyozas, and numerous other wonderful food! They had a little talk at the headquarter (SOY) and the employee got her health benefits. But seriously, things are not looking as good in real life. Fortunately I should be able to operate normally my business, since my commute is probably about 100 feet door to door. Most of my suppliers are in the neighborhood. I may even have more business if people stay home. I'm just very sorry for the voiceless people who have no job security, no benefits, no pension plans. And 400 million-dollar financial losses the city may go through if it happens. We'll be paying for it long-term. It's holiday season, too. Very, very, very important time for many businesses. I was in retail many years, too. It shouldn't be the time for anxiety. Why couldn't they wait until after new year? I don't know. Why do New York City has to go through another threat, created among us? I've been very furious over this. Why do we have to pay for other people's benefits? The other day I saw a group of people in front of Starbucks on second avenue with placards. They were Starbucks workers union. I thought it was a joke in the beginning, but there were a few police officers, too. They were demanding 'something.' I didn't know that Starbucks had a union nor the workers had problem with Starbucks. They want retirement age of 55? They don't get raise every year? I was curious. Midnight came and went. They didn't reach the agreement. How unfortunate if they go on strike now. As an employer and a small business owner, I personally won't feel sympathetic to the union if they decide to screw everybody in the city for their benefit. I've been feeling so restless. I should turn off the TV and go take a bath.
on december 20, 2005 @ 01:00 am [ link]
icicles, icicles
Last week on my morning run, I had a first 'sweat icicle' of the season; when it gets cold enough, my sweat would freeze on my hair. I won't notice when I come back home and it starts melting around my neck. Then I know that's it's damn cold outside. It's 25 degrees out right now. It's definitely sweat icicle weather. My cat had eye infection and was crying all weekend. This morning finally her eye was dry and I was so happy. Although she's becoming such a whiny old kitty who wakes me up 6 o'clock in the morning, I'd like her to stay healthy and live forever and ever. Tonight I had to go to a community board meeting for my liquor license application. My girls were terrified; it was the first time they'd be running the place without me. I was very nervous because I was told that it could be a very intimidating. Last meeting supposedly ran til 1:30 in the morning. Girls had a rough crazy hour without me, but I shouldn't have worried about the community board meeting. It was rather painless. they had no objection because my hours are good and it's such a small place. Officer Lurch from the precinct also confirmed that there had been no complaints against SOY. So rejoice everyone! Beer and sake will be coming next year! New cooking class schedule is up. Great for gifts too. I'd also like to remind you that SOY Money can be also be purchased for your holiday gifts!
on december 13, 2005 @ 12:28 am [ link]
HO for the holidays
I found this recipe in a Cookbook Digest. I'm not kidding. from Mini-Mart a la Carte HO Cakes 5 packages assorted Hostess Cakes (we recommend Twinkies, Ho Hos, Zingers, Ding Dongs, and Suzy Qs) Can of whipped cream 10 whole almonds With a large knife, slice the ends off the cakes and eat them. Cut each cake into squares (you should get 2 squares out of each Twinkie-shaped cake and 1 out of each Ding-Dong shaped cake). Top each with a dab of whipped cream and an almond. Arrange on a tray and serve. Serves 4. I thought some of you may want to bring Ho cakes to your friends' holiday parties. Ho Ho Ho.
on december 5, 2005 @ 01:37 am [ link]
After a week of unseasonably warm weather, mercury is quickly dropping again. The other day I passed by Hell's Angels' headquarters and noticed a new building next to them. It had a big banner handing that said: "New York Law School." I bet that is a good environment for the students to study under their neighbors watch. Interesting. A bunch of young Japanese people are showing up this week at SOY. At first I thought some high school kids came. They turned out to be performers for a Japanese drumming and dance performance across the street. They are rehearsing very hard for days fueled by our food. I'm hoping to catch the show this weekend. Today was Rikako's birthday. Hayashi kun and Ippo kun showed up with lots of beer. Ikko san brought a bottle of champaigne. My missing boy Komuro san sneaked in and left a cake. Later Kathy joined for the dessert. We tend to have a nice little parties on Fridays. Rikako kept saying that she was so happy to be working at SOY. It is really nice to have her.
on december 3, 2005 @ 01:37 am [ link]