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01/05/2006: "in the year 2006"

New Year has come. I'm still trying to recover from the very stressful past few weeks, between the transit strike, gum surgery, slow business around the holidays, the party, cooking for the new year, my poor belly-aching cat, crazy neighbor who plays bad 80s pop songs and sings along with them any time of the day, impossibly trying to communicate with the Zipcar people for my unpaid traffic ticket because their car was unregistered (my god, it's such a long story I'm not going to write right now), still trying to get a liquor license with a help of this yet another lawyer who won't listen to you, attempting to deal with the department of buildings to get some document from them but quickly realizing that I couldn't fight this monster and had to hire new professional in the matter, during which the process I travelled uptown to 133rd street to acquire a copy of this ancient handwritten document about this building from over 100 years ago, and a few other more personal matters. I was a bit spaced out on the first day of the year, and decided to go shopping to shake it off. I found a pretty skirt and a sweater and things were looking good again. I still think I need a vacation and wrote to my friend Nuria in Barcelona that I'm thinking of visiting her soon. I still have drinks left from the party and my life is not really all that bad. Not bad at all.

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