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March 2004

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03/31/2004: "untitled"

Misty morning was just perfect for running, although it was a bit windy. When it's raining, I run under FDR Drive from Manhattan Bridge to Brooklyn Bridge, which is also the most beautiful in the mist. One time there was a thick fog that made the other side of Brooklyn Bridge disappear in the milky white cloud. It wasn't so foggy this morning, but still made the scenery soft and beautiful. There were a small group of old Chinese people dancing (or some sort of martial art? I don't know) with ornamental swords under the bridge. Then there was a homeless man taking a leak. When I go to get my breakfast at a deli in my running attire, always someone starts talking to me. "You've been running!" I nod, with sweaty smile. People are often fascinated with crazy runners, especially under extreme wheater. But today was just perfect. I was thinking this is exactly what I would like it to be on my marathon day.

SLOWER.NET: 993 of 1508 - this is my eye candy. You can browse and get lost amonst wonderful photographs here.

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