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03/21/2004: "ideas"

I went for a long run this morning to the west side. Hudson River was dull kahki green. It was chillier than I thought because of the gusting wind.

I'm an idea person. I have so many ideas. I have good ideas. I can sit all day and think about ideas. I have one too many ideas and perhaps that's one reason I can't stick to one thing. My parents think that I get bored easily, and that's definitely another reason. Unfortunately not being able to stick to one thing is generally considered bad. Well, that's what my parents think. "Multitalented people don't make money," my friend Val once said. He and his partner are those kind of people, too. "We've done so many things."

Went to the bike shop on Grand street and got new tires for my road bike. I picked up a New York City bike map while waiting. I'd like to do a tour of Manhattan island in the next few weeks then head to Rockaways when it gets warmer.

My friend Orly asked me what I write in my blog. What kind of things would I write to keep the reader interested? I don't know. Usually I write whatever that comes to mind not worrying about the end result. Other times I try to find something that may interest others. But I think what comes from the heart can be appreciated after all. A customer once said that she can feel that my heart is in the food I cook, and she really likes that. There's piece of me in my food (not literally!!), and piece of me on these pages.

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