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03/13/2004: "for all your baby needs"

eBaby - Your Personal Baby Trading Community - this will come handy for all those newly-wed gay couples. I like the flavored babies.

All the spanish guys sing when they do the dishes. Carlos sings quite a bit. He calls me 'hey, boss." I don't think he knows my name. On his third day, he's already high up on the employee of the month nomination. He keeps my kitchen well organized. He has no experience with Japanese food, but paying a lot of attention to everything I do. "I'm gonna learn so much with you." He seems to be welcoming the challenge of learning whole new cuisine. It's actually rare to see someone who takes this work really seriously. He likes the word 'crazy.' He tells me about crazy this, crazy that, and of course he thinks I'm crazy doing everything and thinking too much.

Almost all the CDs skips now. I think my stereo is tired. He wants to retire.

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