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03/06/2004: "sushi at SOY"

This afternoon I gave a "Sushi Master" class. "Rice is sticking everywhere on my hands!!" Students panicked. I came in for rescue. "Everything is going to be ok! Just wet your hands!" After a long hour of hard training but excellent guidance, all my students graciously mastered the art of sushi making and went out to look for a job as a sushi chef. Not really. But the class was so much fun. We stuffed ourselves with California rolls that came in all kinds of shapes (unintentionally). Then we made hand rolls that perfectly fits in your hand and melt in your mouth. Or stomach. Spicy tuna, red snapper, mackerel, mountain yam & umeboshi.. boy, we had a feast.

Then my friend Guida stopped by. "How was the class?" "Excellent. It was all guys too." which was true. There was only one woman in the class, and the rest were men. "Damn, I'm jealous!" So we agreed that I should have more sushi classes so she can come hang out.

At 5 pm my helper Alex was nowhere to be found. I was already getting calls for delivery plus walk-in customers. The sink was full of dishes from the class, nothing was set up. So Guida starts dancing around, bubbling stuff, to distract the customers so they won't notice how long the order was taking. She also made a deliverly down the block and made a nice fat tip. "It's me, isn't it?" Yes, tall and sweet Brazilian like her definitely deserve a big tip. She was totally an angel. Later Alex finally shows up, 1 hour and 40 minutes late. I just couldn't understand it. As a Japanese, I show up to places on time. My friends laughed that I even showed up 'on time' where they were cheering in the Central Park during the marathon. Coming to work that late, I would expect to be executed on the spot. So I really don't understand it. Guida went off to chant nam myo ho renge kyo for individual happiness and world peace. I personally don't believe that a religion is an answer, but often these chanting people are very nice.

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