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01/09/2006: "another passing"

The first week of the year had been relatively quiet, but many people enjoyed ozou-ni, Japanese new year soup with mochi rice cake. I came up with an idea of doing a traditional New Year's Day brunch with special celebration food next year. All the things we eat during the new year holidays have meanings, of course for prosperity, health, happiness and such. A Japanese customer said the other day that she was bummed that there was nothing to do on the new year's day, not like back home.

Another sad news just came from home. My uncle passed on. I thought about a sharp pinch I felt in my stomach last night, but he died two days ago, my mother said. Boy, he was a character. I have some video footage of my uncle from the new year 2000. I have to look for it.

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on Wednesday, January 25th, Phentermine said

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smile shocked sad
big grin razz *wink wink* hey baby
angry, grr blush confused
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plain jane rolls eyes satisfied

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