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01/18/2006: "SOY Power"

Finally I had the last of the horrible painfull series of gum surgery this morning. Dr. Berger grinned at me, "You are going to miss me!" Jewish doctors are always the funniest. So, I have to endure another week of living on soft tofu and miso soup. How horrible can it be? I won't mind if there was no pain. But it's a lot of pain, lots of Advil and penicillin pills and super sensitivity to hot, cold and sweet. So I won't be able to eat ice cream to cool my pain. No chocolates to soothe my craving. I was thinking the other day that if I ever lose my ability to eat, I don't want to live. But this one will be over. I will be able to eat anything (almost) I want in a few weeks. Until then, lots of softee stuff.

New York City Marathon's official result magazine arrived. And there's a picture of me with SOY headband right at the finish line to prove I've done it! Of course I was looking for my picture flipping the pages, but when I actually found it, I was cracking up. I look content, too. I think people really like to take pictures of me with SOY headband. A year ago TIME magazine took picture of me. This time was Runner's World. Neither of the photos seem to have made the publication, but I still got my picture taken. And how many people do you think got picture taken out of 37,000 runners? I don't have the answer but I assume it wasn't that many.

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