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11/26/2005: "Holiday!"
It was my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. I made a beautiful turkey and was so proud of it! Our feast consisted of: ginger stringbeans, cauliflower with anchovie vinaigrette, orange glazed carrots, brussel sprouts with caramelized shallots and parmesan cheese, mashed potatoes, and of course a perfectly roasted big bird and stuffing with apples and cashews. Kathy brought burbon soaked sweet potatoes with marshmallows and mashed turnips. Orly and her family showed up with a big apple pie, my favorite grape leaves, cheese pastries and moroccan carrot salad. Yukiko made couscous salad, creamy mashed pumpkin, and burdock salad. Oh, I also baked a pumpkin pie. Yuri, Taiga, and Rikako showed up early and helped me cook all the food. They kept saying that it was like Japanese New Year, when we cook all kinds of special food for the celebration and feast all day. Akiro san also came with his beloved French bulldog Noriko. She also loved my turkey. Later Kathy showed us a trick with amaretto candy wrapper and we all fascinated to see the paper fly up in the air aflame. Orly's kids Mai and Guy of course went crazy with it, catching descending ashes in their little palms. Clean up was done with lightening speed with the expert help of my girls. It was one hell of a great holiday. Tonight I made another killer soup: turkey rice soup. It surely will go fast.