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11/17/2005: "Thinking of Turkey again"
I sweated so much this morning on my morning run in unseasonably warm weather. Then rain returned and temperature is quickly dropping this evening. Marathon ache is all gone, but I'm still recovering from last week's second installment of gum surgery. I've been eating mostly soft soupy diet, which is very frustrating, but more bearable after fininshing marathon training and my metabolism slowing down with much lower amount of workout. Fulton Fish market has moved to Bronx, which is kind of sad as another history eroding from our surrounding. But it's better for my running because I hated to run through dead fishes, dirty slippery streets, and market workers sometimes paying too much attention to me. With fallen leaves, East River park smells so much more earthy. Thanksgiving is creeping up on us. I don't think I'm doing Turkey Trot with full house of guests coming to my Thanksgiving dinner.