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11/20/2005: "It's revolutionary"

I finally got DSL service this weekend. I used this oxymoronic little device to use dial-up service wirelessly for a year, but it was painfully slow being wireless on top of dial-up connection. I have resisted the change long enough but getting DSL for $15 a month is much cheaper than dial-up. And even though this is a slower DSL service available, it's like a million times faster than dial-up. Now I'll be addicted to the internet all over again.

The other night Ikko san walked in and his first line was, "Okasan (mother), I have no money today." I felt like a mother being nagged by a teenager. I let him eat anyway, because he would pay off next time, which was the next day. Then next day Hayashi kun came in and said, "Okasan, I don't have money today." I fed him and said, "Go out and make some money."

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