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08/31/2005: "it's only Tuesday"

At the end of another busy night, Rikako and Yuri were leaving. "I'll see you Friday!" Rikako said, and Yuri was puzzled for a moment. "Oh, right. This is only Tuesday." She thought it was Friday, and I thought exactly like that. It was only Tuesday but we were swamped. There were no rice left at the end of the night.

I found out the source of misterious appearance of shiso leaves at my door. It was Luis, middle-aged Spanish man, who often come for dinner on Saturdays. "Did you like the cucumber, too?" There was a strange looking gigantic cucumber in the bag also. I didn't know what it was, and I didn't do anything with it. He said I can just slice and eat it. So I cut him some slices and also made a quick cucumber salad with shiso and yuzu. Today Thomas from Doveman brought me their newly recorded CD. I love it when people bring be things. Yesterday Seth brought me a bottle of Perrier. Don't ask me why. He also gave me a quarter because I listened to his personal concerns with his dear old friend. "You know, in "Peanuts," Charlie Brown gave Lucy a nickle after she listened to his problems. But it's not 1950s anymore so I give you a quarter."

Humidity is back. It was so hot for Sunday's half-marathon in the Central Park. I began to lose concentration only after 5 miles. It was just too humid. Drizzling rain didn't even help. How come this was almost always the worst race of the year?

Replies: 2 Comments

on Wednesday, August 31st, jarm said

Will you ever have a Shabu,Shabu nite at Soy? Just wondering...thanks for your time

on Thursday, September 1st, etsko said

would love to have a shabu shabu nite at SOY when it gets a little colder! I'll let you know.

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