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08/03/2005: "Rockaway beach rocks"
Sunday was the 'beach day' I was planning for weeks. I was picking up a Zip car, which was being returned 20 minutes late for my reservation when my friend Jose called. "Where are you? We are waiting in front of your store." "I'll be there in 5 minutes." But when I passed Essex on Stanton Street, a police car was behind me flashing lights. They told me to pull over. A mail man passing by in his truck asked me, "What did you do?" "I don't know." The officer walked over and told me the car is not registered. There is no license plate on this car! And there was a paper on the back window that said 'non-resident temporary' with expiration of July 19th, 2005. This car only had a temporary registration in New Jersey which expired over 10 days ago. The officer wrote me a ticket, and told me I couldn't drive the car. I called Zip car but they have no car available immediately. Having my previous beach day rained, I was determined to go to the beach.
I screamed at the Zip car rep for 5 minutes and told him that I'm going to rent a car and I want to have it reimbursed. He said ok. After some phone calls and a subway trip to a car rental, we finally got to the beach, two hours behind the schedule. It was getting a little crowdy, but we were able to train for the world frisbee championship, as you can see in these dramatic action pictures. We drove to Astoria later and had a beer at this big beer garden. All was well.