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08/22/2005: "Friday, Saturday, and Sunday"

"Everyone is born with something to say." -Gabriel Garcia

Sudden heavy down pour Friday morning. It was actually beatiful to be in that rain. I saw a black man in a robe doing push-ups on the sidewalk near Delancey. Then down the street came a troop of little children dressed in uniform clear plastic bags covering their head and wearing make-shift ponchos of black garbage bags. All twenty of them. It was a cute and surreal picture.

On humid Saturday morning, I ran 5-mile race in the Central Park. The weather was really not so easy on us that our team's coach Tony was quite encouraging rather than doing his usual yelling, which also works. I went swimming afterwards and pretty much passed out when I got home. Before opening for dinner, I noticed that someone left me gigantic stalks of shiso plant in my gate. (I think they were from my faithful student Fern.) They were all wilted from the heat but when I put them in water they came alive. Our dinner was tuna bowl with shiso leaves. Yum!

I was still tired on Sunday morning. It was already 90 degrees out, so I decided to go for more swimming. I finally went to see Jim Jarmusch's new film Broken Flowers, which was pretty good. I must say that no matter what kind of film he makes he's still going to be my hero. My idol. I saw him once strolling down Delancey and I almost fainted. I dream of the day when he walks into SOY and have my Treasure Sacks.

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