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04/22/2005: "hacked"

An "online slot" has just hacked my blog and left comments on my entries that this online casino was the greatest. I had to go delete them one by one manually. Does this mean that my blog is getting so popular that they think they'd be reaching millions of people? I really don't know who many people actually read this thing. At least a handful of people has left comments more than once. So, I urge you, those of you who's reading this blog, speak up! Tell me you're reading this, and you enjoy it. Then maybe I'll make more effort to write more than one entry a week.

Well, anyway, sometimes it's hard to keep writing. I got excuse of working all day, pretty much all week, and when I come home often I feel like just watching South Park, take a bath, and sleep. It's not like I have nothing to write about. There's always a little insignificant something to write about. Like this morning, I saw a chubby (or fat, rather) latina walking down Delancey swinging her hips, and there were eyes on her back just above the wasteline of her jeans. I swear! The tattooed pair of eyes just above her swaying big hips. I imagined that maybe a whole face is tattooed on her back and she is a 'butt dancer' by profession. Imagine that! hehe

Replies: 4 Comments

on Saturday, April 23rd, Minnesota fats said

when I'm not gambling I check in on your blog.

on Saturday, April 23rd, etsko said

how sweet.
thanks for dropping by.
and if you win gambling, make sure you spend it at SOY!

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