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02/12/2005: "how to get there"
Today's successful experiment: potato, pumpkin, & corn soup. I was thinking of making in soy chowder style, but it was already just perfect before soymilk, so I let it be. While I was seasoning the soup, I realized that this cooking business is just like designing a handbag that I used to do. It's basically imagination, and figuring out how to get there.
Thomas from Doveman said to me tonight, "I read in your blog that you came to one of our shows..!" Bloggers tend to get curious about other people's blogs. So here is his. From there I stumble into Ganda's blog and found what she wrote last summer:
"Soy -- Soy owner Etsuko is the hip oka-san you never had. When I'm dining alone, I love going to Soy and ordering the tofu salad, california tofu, meat gyoza, and if i'm still hungry, salmon nameshi, which I wash down with Etsuko's spicy ginger lemonade."
She's performing with Miho Hattori Saturday night at Tonic. I'm sorry to miss it. I'm trying to catch the tail end of this benefit for Tonic if I can get out at a decent hour. There's a bunch more 'benefits for Tonic' coming up this month. Let's attend them for our friends.