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02/10/2005: "Happy New Year - again"

Last saturday after work I took my dive-loving friend Shawn to Boss Tweed's on Essex. When we walked in, something felt different. It wasn't because of 80's hip hop music. It almost looked just like a regular Saturday night crowd filling the space, conversing loudly, but here... in sign language. I'd say 95 percent of the people there were hearing-impared. Maybe because the girl at the bar speaks their language. It was kind of cool. There's a place for everybody in New York City.

I spoke to my friend Michelle over the weekend. She was still very shaken up about what happened the week before: she was punched in the face by a man who tried to rob her and broke her nose. But somehow I was able to make her laugh at one point she said, "Don't make me laugh. My nose hurts."

We're having a busy week. Selling lots of green tea shortbread. Lots of visiters. Yesterday when I got to the store my ex-homeless friend crazy Red was knocking on the door already. Toothless old Jewish lady, who brings me jars of gefilte fish occasionally, came by and sat down for a few minutes. Stan said this morning "Life is not complicated. We make it complicated." Well said. Happy Lunar New Year. Everything was closed in Chinatown today, and it was nice and quiet this morning.

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