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02/04/2005: "bad things and good things"
Orly called me and told me that our friend Michelle was assaulted by the World Trade Center a week ago, on Friday evening. Someone tried to rob her. After the man punched her in the face, she was able to run away but her nose was broken. It feels like so much violence is going on, especially when it happened some place close, or to someone you know. On the good note, Kelly next door found a purse on the street, and brought it in. She took her time on the phone trying to locate the owner. We couldn't find the girl's phone number, so Kelly ended up calling the credit card company, and in about 30 minutes, I got a call from the girl who mysteriously dropped her purse on the street with her money and driver license and everything. She sounded very happy that we have the purse. It's nice to do good things - it will come back to you some day.