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10/26/2004: "new things"

My new gadget has arrived. "WiFlyer" allows me to go wireless with my dial-up internet connection. Now I don't have to worry about whether or not to go broadband. I can move around with my laptop from one side of the room to the other without dragging my phone line! This is pretty revolutionary for a computer and internet junkie.

We had a very busy week last week, and I haven't had a chance to start on my wintery soups. Hopefully tomorrow, pumpkin carrot ginger soup, or roasted pepper and lentil soup.

Two weeks countdown to New York City marathon. I was in the better condition last year, but I think I can still run my best.

My Japanese supplier informed me of a new Japanese restaurant on Clinton Street. He said it's little pricey. You could easily spend over $100 with some drinks, which means that they're no competition for me. I said I'm just happy to be serving my neighbors everyday needs. Or maybe one day I'll learn to be a better business person and charge whole a lot more for my delicious food.

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