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10/17/2004: "playing hide and seek with sun"

It was very windy on the waterfront. But it didn't seem to discourage so many people wondering about downtown Manhattan. Now that the winter chill is creeping up, maybe everyone is so committed to enjoy the last bits of sun, only seen sparingly between the clouds today. Scenes I encountered today on my run: Sad looking Statue of Liberty was taking pictures with tourists at Battery Park. Hundreds of people were waiting on line for the ferry to the real Statue of Liberty. Some kind of King with a cape was singing to a group of children at Robert Wagner park. A little girl was singing karaoke to Madonna's Like a Prayer, standing stiff on a big stage on West Street. A bunch of people walked into "Beer Fest" on a Pier with their IDs hanging from their neck. I discovered 'Tear Drop Park,' interesting little space hidden in Battery Park City, perfect for hide and seek. All kinds of Rock'n Rollers are walking about the neighborhood for CMJ music festival. A few more new bars opened up on Orchard Street. Another day is over and I'm glad I wrapped another good week.

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