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I want to be an Iron Chef

Akiko showed up dressed as a kitty cat yesterday. So I sent her out for a delivery. I had little bats flying around over my head. There was a long line tonight at Haunted House across the street at 107 Suffolk. I've been curious but the ticket is $20. I think Haunted House is generally a joke (typically like the one in Coney Island) so I'm not sure if I want to spend that money. But there was a line all evening; maybe it is good. I wanted to be Iron Chef for Halloween, but since I won't be working, I figured it won't be as funny as Iron Chef at SOY. Plus I won't have time to make the costume. Hopefully next year you'll see Iron Chef making your ginger tofu.

I finally made pumpkin carrot ginger soup, which I sold out very quickly. It was really delicious. So was sweet potato salad. More coming next week.
on october 30, 2004 @ 01:15 am [link]

Night of lunar eclipse

Another busy day, trying to catch up with everything, only to be interrupted by 3:30pm with my Japanese boys Komuro san and Ikko san showing up with two gigantic bottles of wine. We emptied one before the evening dinner rush began. Komuro san insisted that he helped with the dishes, so I let him. It was another hectic night, gyoza to be wrapped, croquettes to be breaded, and Masao was out for deliveries most of the night. I wanted to catch a glimpse of lunar eclipse, but by the time I closed up and stepped out onto Delancey Street, the sky was all cloudy and the moon was nowhere to be found. All well. Such is life sometimes. I consoled myself with a milkshake at Baskin Robbins.
on october 28, 2004 @ 01:00 am [link]

new things

My new gadget has arrived. "WiFlyer" allows me to go wireless with my dial-up internet connection. Now I don't have to worry about whether or not to go broadband. I can move around with my laptop from one side of the room to the other without dragging my phone line! This is pretty revolutionary for a computer and internet junkie.

We had a very busy week last week, and I haven't had a chance to start on my wintery soups. Hopefully tomorrow, pumpkin carrot ginger soup, or roasted pepper and lentil soup.

Two weeks countdown to New York City marathon. I was in the better condition last year, but I think I can still run my best.

My Japanese supplier informed me of a new Japanese restaurant on Clinton Street. He said it's little pricey. You could easily spend over $100 with some drinks, which means that they're no competition for me. I said I'm just happy to be serving my neighbors everyday needs. Or maybe one day I'll learn to be a better business person and charge whole a lot more for my delicious food.
on october 26, 2004 @ 01:29 am [link]

Dark night in Bronx

Elliot came down with his dog Winston as I was closing up, looking for a left over croquette I keep for Winston. He said Yankees was losing; he was happy to see the 'best team money can buy' go down. I went to Rite Aid and it was filled with distressed Yankee fans who couldn't watch the game any more. I came home and turned on the tv just in time to see Red Sox running out of dugout.

Akiyo didn't know that Onion was a joke until I told her last week. "I never understood Onion but now that I know it's a joke it all makes sense! I can't believe I was telling my friends that there's such a place like "Homeless Depot" where homeless people go buy cheap cardboard boxes and straw mats!"
on october 21, 2004 @ 01:27 am [link]

It's a comical world we live in

"Hill repeats" on treadmill at the gym this morning while this red head who was barely clothed in front of me was shaking her hips on the stairmaster in front of me. I said gee, does she realize how she looks from behind? She even folded down her tights exposing more of her skin around the waist, therefore she was basically naked below her sports bra down almost to her butt crack. I said, well, you can't blame guys for thinking about sex every few seconds, if there's a practically naked chick shaking her cute little ass in front of you. I came home and NY1 was reporting 'women only train car' in Japan because they are often groped in the crowded trains. The redhead would be eaten alive there if she shook her butt like that in the commuter train full of frustrated overworked men.

This older gentleman who's been coming for lunch lately was the first customer of the day, as he usually is. He sat down with New York Times, glanced at the front page, and said, "This country is so comical, isn't it?" And I wasn't really sure what exactly he was referring to, haven't looked at today's paper yet. So I just awkwardly smiled at him. "???" Later I sat down with the paper and still wasn't sure what amuzed him so much. Bush and Kerry being tied? Red Sox winning in 6-hour game last night? Or all the combination of those headlines next to what goes on in Iraq? Someone was saying on a talk show last night that recounts would be inevitable this year again. That would be rather comical.

The heat was turned on this morning in my building. It really feels like winter now. Nice and cozy.

I've been indulging myself with green tea cheesecake this week. It was my neighbor Kathy's birthday yesterday so I had some good intention for baking. I figured I don't write enough about food, even though this is a 'restaurant blog.' I'll be making my fabulous pumpkin carrot ginger soup tomorrow. It's about time.

I just flipped channel and there they are Duran Duran on Jay Leno. I must say that I felt profoundly sad to see them old and fat. I felt old.
on october 19, 2004 @ 06:06 pm [link]

playing hide and seek with sun

It was very windy on the waterfront. But it didn't seem to discourage so many people wondering about downtown Manhattan. Now that the winter chill is creeping up, maybe everyone is so committed to enjoy the last bits of sun, only seen sparingly between the clouds today. Scenes I encountered today on my run: Sad looking Statue of Liberty was taking pictures with tourists at Battery Park. Hundreds of people were waiting on line for the ferry to the real Statue of Liberty. Some kind of King with a cape was singing to a group of children at Robert Wagner park. A little girl was singing karaoke to Madonna's Like a Prayer, standing stiff on a big stage on West Street. A bunch of people walked into "Beer Fest" on a Pier with their IDs hanging from their neck. I discovered 'Tear Drop Park,' interesting little space hidden in Battery Park City, perfect for hide and seek. All kinds of Rock'n Rollers are walking about the neighborhood for CMJ music festival. A few more new bars opened up on Orchard Street. Another day is over and I'm glad I wrapped another good week.
on october 17, 2004 @ 01:01 am [link]

just wondering

I thought this was pretty cool picture I took a few weeks ago in Battery Park City. But I was just wondering if anyone can tell what it is? It was one of those fleeting moment.
on october 15, 2004 @ 12:57 am [link]

A little weekend adventure in the woods

To celebrate Columbus day, I took weekend off and went to discover the northern land of Adirondacks. Unfortunately the weather wasn't perfect, but the fall foliage was almost peak up there in the woods. I also ran around Lake George, went for a trail ride on a horse, and ate some bad food surrounded by average overweight American people. It was a pretty good weekend.

My mother turned 60 on sunday. When I called to wish her happy birthday, she said it wasn't such a happy occasion anymore, but she was glad that she was entitled to senior discounts at the movies.

on october 13, 2004 @ 12:48 am [link]

torn between the two

I asked Masao to mop inside the toilet at the end of the night, and he attempted to mop inside the toilet bowl. After sticking the mop inside the bowl, he realized that it wasn't probably what I meant. I caught him confused and embarassed, frozen in the bathroom holding a mop stuck inside the bowl.

I made my first batch of 'Caspian yogurt' this evening. It's kind of slimy: very different texture from regular yogurt. It tastes much milder and less sour. I'm so used to regular yogurt, which I've been making for two years (same yogurt culture I kept alive!) and eating every morning. I can't deside if I could get used to this new yogurt, but it surely is easier to make. With regular yogurt, I have to heat milk to a boil, then cool it to 110 degrees, then mix yogurt culture and put it in the yogurt maker for 6 hours to keep it warm. I do love my yogurt, which I feel rather attached taking care of it for two years- and can't decide whether to just switch to this easier thing, or keep them both.
on october 8, 2004 @ 01:04 am [link]

Chain letter of bacteria

Masao, my kitchen help, brought me a sample of "Caspian Yogurt," which someone described as 'chain letter of bacteria.' They say this very easy-to-make yogurt has spread in Japan, outside of commercial distribution channel, handed from one person to another, originally from this Japanese scholar who brought it from Georgia, Russia. This yogurt culture grows at room temperature; you add some milk and leave it for a few hours, and you make yogurt! Interesting. Anyone wants a sample of this yogurt to grow it yourself, I'm happy to share.
on october 7, 2004 @ 12:38 am [link]

just want to be a good neighbor

It was a beautiful fall morning. On sunday I ran half-marathon in the central park. I was feeling a bit 'aggressive' and had a good race. Even though I was two minutes behind last year's time, I brought back an award, 7th in the age group. (I'm only writing this to make my parents proud, ha ha.)

Quiet day monday, and quiet evening. But it made my day at the end of the night when my neighbor Kate stop by with flowers for me for the little favors I do for her, receiving packages and such. Good to have nice neighbors!
on october 5, 2004 @ 12:38 am [link]

May you have more sweetness coming to you

As I was closing up my gate, Akiro san came out of his salon next door with a bottle of beer in his hand. "A young couple is building a cabinet for me. How sweet." I looked in and there they were, a Japanese couple working together. "Makes me smile. I had days like that myself." He's known as a drinker, but I've never seen him like that. "You'll have more sweet love coming to you." I said. "Yeah, at a nursing home." He jokes. "Don't ever forget that bitter-sweet feeling!" I said, and we gave each other a fist hit.
on october 1, 2004 @ 12:49 am [link]

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