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07/29/2004: "wish I were on the beach"

Finally a beautiful day after days of rain. I wish this was sunday. My neighbor Diana upstairs headed to the beach this afternoon and I was so jealous. - nodding dogs discovering the planet- it makes me want to get a digital camera, badly.

After scanning the computer obsessively for two days with 5 different 'spyware removal' software I was able to locate the problem software on the hard drive and successfully manually disabled it, which non of these software was able to do. I haven't seen one pop-up ever since, and I'm enjoying being on the web for the first time in almost two weeks. My advice to you: don't ever say 'yes' when prompted to install something you don't know. It's the same principle as don't go with a stranger even if he offers you a candy. Tell him you don't want to go see the puppy. If you make a mistake, know exact date and time when it happened. It helps you locate the problem.

Found $1 pineapple in Chinatown and it turned out to be super ripe and delicious. Food makes me so happy, therefore I cook.

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