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07/27/2004: "'Abracadabra'"

Lynn, a customer, came by and said she's leaving for 'Abracadabra' for two years with Peace Corps. I was like, what? Where is that?? (because it was a total gibberish to me) She said it's near Russia and Iran. Later I opened my world atlas and figured that it was 'Azerbaijan' where she was headed. She hoped that I'd be still here when she comes back. I surely hope so, and looking forward to hearing her stories. I'll be still here if I'm not out there on the road myself for my traveling cooking show.

A computer geek came yesterday, and an hour, three software, and $50 later I'm still getting pop-ups today. These software keep finding 'bad stuff' on the computer but won't really fix the problems. Also this week the showcase refrigerator died on me after squeeking and screaming for about a week. 10 police cars and dozens of officers by Williamsburg Bridge this morning, which NY1 only mentioned as 'police activity.' My neighbor Rose said it was a bomb scare; they found a suspicios container on the bridge. "That's terrible how we have to live these days," she said. Indeed. Bad energy is in the air. Beware.

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