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07/26/2004: "summary of the week"

The looper brothers (there were two of them) who enjoyed the window seating for over a week on my flowers and grown to be almost an inch long finally had to be released into the concrete jungle since my flowers were dying. My bamboo trees last week also befriended a hairy caterpillar who went up and down the bamboo and decided he didn't like it. He was last witnessed climbing up the gate. Akiro san next door said Kabuki play at Lincoln Center was amazing. My beach Sunday was postponed again due to weather. We've been having gloomy sundays for a while. Yesterday my neighbors Rose and Marie, mother and daughter who's been on Suffolk street forever (really) told me about the fascinating facts about the neighborhood. "Over here on Delancey was like red light district, and you'd see a John coming out from a Cadillac with a feather on his hat and a purple suit. You could spot him from miles away!" Then the neighborhood old-time queen Micheal passed by and said that someone told him that the building across the street 107 Suffolk once was a monestary. We looked up and said well, it was a school and it looks like a school. But there are gothic elements in the building too. Interesting.

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