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07/12/2005: "it's a small world"

Gemma, my new neighbor next door, stunning tall beauty and super sweet on top of it, walked in this afternoon to meet up with my neighbor upstairs Adam. "Isn't that funny I know this guy from my hometown Buffalo! I moved in next door last week and didn't even know he lived next door until yesterday! Another time this guy walked in for the first time, ordered food and was looking through the pictures on the wall. "Gee, I know her! I used to hang out with her in Philly!" He left a note for her so I can give it to her. She came by a few days later and I gave her the note. About 10 minutes later he walked in and said he just ran into her at the corner store.

I ran Bronx Half-Marathon on steamy Sunday. It was the hottest day of the week but still wasn't as bad as previous years. There was this overweight chick with a sign "Princess Die" playing loud music for us on Grand Concourse. There were two other bands playing music for us on the course but Princess Die was memorable because of her name although I didn't think she was hired by road runners club. She was voluntarily playing music for us crazy runners who just love to torture our body for over an hour in 90 degree weather.

My parents called me worried a few days ago verifying information regarding my injury they read on the blog. Phrases like "pissed off" or "screaming murder" would always confuse them since they are trying to understand it literally. My nail is slowly but surely growing back.

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on Thursday, July 21st, AzianBrewer said

I ran the Bronx Half also and saw Princess Die. I think she was hired by the NYRR. Did you see her wearing the free tank top??? By the way, is your establishment a BYOB??? The menu looks really good.

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