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07/01/2005: "fatal error"
We had extremely busy days this week and by late Wednesday night I was rather exhausted. That was when I sliced off half of nail of my left index finger. Of all these 20 something years of using a knife this was the first serious injury I caused myself. I was freaked out. I'm not used to pains and blood. Rikako and Aya were also screaming murder beside me. (which we all laughed about the next day) Let us be careful with our equipments and weapons. I'm already getting used to the inconvenience of having a thick bandage around my finger, and my girls are all being great help.
Another fatal error occured last weekend when I locked myself out as I was leaving after closing. When I slammed the door of the restaurant I knew I left my keys on the counter. I called the number for the locksmith I found in the doorway next door, and the guy arrived only about 10 minutes later. He said he has to drill the cylinder. I said no, he didn't have to. He should pick. He said he couldn't. He had to drill. I was so pissed off but I really wanted to go home. I was supposed to meet my friend. So I let him. 3 minutes later I was in. And he charged me $225 for the service. I was mad as hell. He wanted to charge me another $150 to change the cylinder. I said no way. After a few exchange he came down to $75. I said no way. I'd just go to my locksmith in the morning. I wasn't going to let him rip me off further. He said I'd have to pay $95 the next day to change the lock. I told him to go away. The next day I went to buy the lock for $15 and changed it myself.
Finally having a quiet afternoon today before the holiday weekend. This is not so bad. Not bad at all.